Welcome to our January update from the school. We are excited to share the latest stories, achievements, and ways you can support our mission of providing quality education and resources to these deserving children.

5th January National Bird Day

After winter vacation we celebrated National Bird Day in which children made beautiful nests and were told that we should protect birds.

 We try to instill a deep sense of environmental consciousness in our kids and on national bird day, enthusiastically celebrated nature and the magic of birds.

Amidst discussions and activities centered around bird conservation, they passionately advocated for the protection of our feathered friends.

They learned about the threats faced by birds due to habitat destruction, dwindling food sources, and the looming specter of climate change.

We hope to spread awareness and foster a sense of responsibility towards the nations birds.


Helping Hands for India Bird Day
subhas chandra bose jayanti

23rd January Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti

Each year on January 23rd, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti reverberates with reverence and remembrance, honoring the indomitable spirit of Subhas Chandra Bose, a titan among India’s freedom fighters

In a heartwarming display of admiration, the kids paid tribute to the remarkable legacy of Mr. Subhas Chandra Bose by dedicating flowers in his honor.

We hope that by commemorating people like this helps ignites a flame of hope and determination within each of us. 


24th January National girl child day

On this day we created an act in which we intend to show that education should be equal for both boys and girls and make other girls get an education because this is her right to get an education.

Our school is committed to gender equality.  We encourage the children to recognise the inherent right of every child, regardless of gender.

We celebrated the equal educational opportunities for both boys and girls, aiming to empower and uplift every girl in their community.

Teacher passionately conveyed the message that education is not just a privilege but a fundamental right for every individual.

Helping hands for india national girl child day
helping hands for india dealing with worries

Workshop – Dealing with worries

On January 24th, Principal Meenakshi Sharma led a workshop centered around the crucial topic of managing worries, emphasising the importance of equipping every student with the necessary tools to navigate challenges.

During the session, she shed light on various issues that often accompany stress and worry, including panic attacks, breathing difficulties, digestive problems, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Meenakshi also offered practical solutions aimed at alleviating stress and worry, advocating for practices such as yoga, meditation, fostering positive thinking, and optimizing time management.

We hope that by teaching these strategies, students can effectively address and overcome stress, paving the way towards better resilience.

26th January Republic Day

With immense pride and joy, our kids celebrated Republic Day with great fervor and enthusiasm. Amidst the music, we organized a poignant flag-hoisting ceremony, symbolising our unwavering commitment to the principles of democracy and unity.

The principal gave blessings to each child, the entire school community united in paying tribute to the valiant freedom fighters who sacrificed everything for our nation’s independence.

With reverence for our history and hope for our future, we love to honor this day as a reminder of our collective journey towards freedom and equality


Republic Day Helping hands for india
Helping Hands for India Chakrasana

Ways to Support

You can make a difference in the lives of these underprivileged children by supporting our school. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

Donate: Your generous contributions enable us to provide quality education and resources to our students. Every donation, no matter the amount, helps us create a brighter future for these children.

Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness about our mission and stories by sharing them on your social media platforms. Together, we can create a ripple effect of change and inspire others to support underprivileged children.

We extend our gratitude to all supporters and volunteers who make our mission possible. Together, let’s continue to transform the lives of these deserving children and provide them with a brighter future. Join us in making a difference today!